Here are our two pitiful little strawberry plants. I didn't put them in my square foot garden because they each needed their own square. I've decided to build at least one more for next year. Maybe two. It is really working out great. Took a picture of the tomato plants that are in the same size container to the right of the strawberry plants but the picture was too blurry.
Have little grape tomatoes on one plant. The Romas aren't doing much yet.
My lettuce has done so good! I have been just harvesting leaves but Thursday I pulled one head.
It's about time to harvest all of it before it gets too hot. You can see where Scott sprayed Round Up around the frame. I hate the way the brown grass looks!
Had to take a close up because I am just so proud of my first lettuce experience!
Just noticed the first broccoli head forming! Hope it shows up good.
My cilantro has gone a little wild. Not sure what I should do. Clip it back, just clip the blooms....just don't know. I clipped some of the lower sprigs last night for supper. Tried a new was ok. Don't think I'll pass it on though.
Pepper plants in the background are doing good too. Jalapeno and bell pepper. There are little jalapenos forming.
Finally put my trellis up last night. Have been waiting on the beans to sprout up and trying to decide on the spot. I like the spot I picked for two reasons....1-the original spot I had in mind was too close the trees that have vines in them and 2- I can see it from the swing and from the driveway when I pull in. Lainey didn't like the spot but Parker thought I did good.
Here is part the straw that I had to rake up from the yard where they came and fixed it from the big truck running through the yard back in the winter. I think they put about twice as much as they needed too. There was a lot I couldn't rake up because it was so wet under the top layer. Parker just mowed over it. He mowed half the yard while I raked. I had to make pretty slow trips with the wheelbarrow so there wouldn't be straw all over the driveway. There was one little snake in it. Tried to get him out and he got away so I was pretty cautious after that.
Finally put my trellis up last night. Have been waiting on the beans to sprout up and trying to decide on the spot. I like the spot I picked for two reasons....1-the original spot I had in mind was too close the trees that have vines in them and 2- I can see it from the swing and from the driveway when I pull in. Lainey didn't like the spot but Parker thought I did good.
Here is part the straw that I had to rake up from the yard where they came and fixed it from the big truck running through the yard back in the winter. I think they put about twice as much as they needed too. There was a lot I couldn't rake up because it was so wet under the top layer. Parker just mowed over it. He mowed half the yard while I raked. I had to make pretty slow trips with the wheelbarrow so there wouldn't be straw all over the driveway. There was one little snake in it. Tried to get him out and he got away so I was pretty cautious after that.