Saturday, May 2, 2009

Kitchen remodel phase 2

This one is deceiving because it looks like the dishwasher is in. It's not. It's just in the kitchen. The countertops are on temporarily. Didn't mention in the other post that the only counter I had for a week was the weird tile piece beside the sink. We ate frozen dinners that week. Weight Watcher Smart Ones do not fill up a 13 year old boy. He supplemented with LOTS of yogurt, apples and Hot Pockets.

I am really happy with the color I chose. I was getting a little nervous the week I spent looking at it in the garage. Worried how the yellow would look with it but I like it.

This one is just so you can see how we are functioning. Odd things are ending up in the top drawer which is the silverware. There are not pot holders, paper towels and foil in that drawer.

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